
Let us help you green up your home or business, why? because it looks great and it's good for you!

Let us help you green up your home or business, why? because it looks great and it's good for you!

Last week we launched our Residential and Commercial Indoor Plant Consult service and the response has been wonderful. Belle our resident green thumb, has been busy meeting lovely clients all week.  If you need help greening up your space or simply some plant advice, feel free to get in touch to book a consult. or 9317 2010 Here's some pretty pictures to get you inspired... and below, some info on why introducing plants is always a good idea. 1. They give an assist in breathing Inhaling brings oxygen into the body, exhaling releases carbon dioxide. During photosynthesis, plants do...

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Facteur Celeste

Facteur Celeste

Facteur Céleste is a brand invested in Solidarity and Development in the service of women and in with ecologial ethics.

Our main mission is the economic insertion of the women in trouble (illiterates, disabled women, in precarious situation), and in intrinsic way the gratitude by the work, the awareness to the problem of waste, the cross-cultural …

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